As we are getting ready for our SXSW adventure in Austin later this week, it’s time to recap the last one. Here are the things we learned last week part 3:
#1 Lawyering up is a necessity for every business but being a music startup you better have a really good lawyer on your side.
#2 The only thing we like about “Fasching” is the never ending supply of Krapfen.
#3 “You have to break an egg to make an omelette” … this might be true for – well – cooking but if you work in a team communication is key. If you run into problems you better engage in an open-minded discussion and keep a cool head – you’re in this together.
#4 Power naps are healthy and increase your productivity. Keep in mind though: If you take a nap in the office you have to live with the consequences. Somebody will take a picture of you napping away and publish it on the company blog. You’re welcome Frederic 🙂