Be Insta-Ready – Every release channel has its own unique bells and whistles. Be it the way a potential audience is approached, how content is presented or how activity is monitored. Some need a long pipeline of distributive action – be it via external service providers, others are faster and more accessible.
This article is aimed at creators especially interested in launching or extending a release on Instagram. There are a few key aspects of the platform that creators can and should be aware of. Here are 5 ways and insights into the way Instagram can be used as a campaign tool:
Be format ready
Have your video formats ready, meaning cut up and working smoothly in vertical.
You might have an exceptional 16:9 music video in the pipe, ready for YouTube etc., and then you realize on release day, that the vertical adaption just doesn’t work. Think of vertical EARLY in the editing process. Ask your editor to create a vertical cut, with heavy focus on center movement. Also, be sure to prepare short 15-second cuts in case you want to run a vertical video campaign on Insta.
This also includes static photo content. Being format ready means being Insta- ready.
Know your prime time
Use a tool like prime for Instagram to determine the most active timezone of your potential audience.
Timing can work magic, if you’re looking for reach while trying to generate a decent amount of exposure.
This can also heavily influence an ad campaign and the performance of certain ad sets.
Be aware that certain days can be misleading, such as weekends or holidays, and don’t be surprised if the prime time of your audience runs against the grain of your personal usage. Remember – you are not the audience, that’s a common misconception of how channels are used.
Try to learn from your audience, try to understand their media habits.
Discover mobile editing tools
Learn how to use mobile media editing tools such as polar or Videoleap / Kinemaster. Being able to tap into the stimuli around you, harness that and create compelling content will greatly help your Instagram release campaign.
The more you can do by yourself, the better.
Like field-recording audio, you should get a feeling for collecting visual snippets. The more you collect, the greater your catalogue of possible content snippets.
If you’re working with art professionals, you can even get some insight on what to use. Maybe they are already using mobile solutions to grasp the spark as soon as it hits their eyes. You can do the same. Be mobile ready when it comes to the constant production of visual content pieces.
Create a crate
Set up a folder of various materials, let’s call it crate.
You use this crate as a stream of influences – from audio, to visual to mixed.
Feed this archive on the go, keep it updated with new ideas and snippets, and you’ll be able to create compelling content whenever it feels right.
Also – invite your art and photography partners to join a shared crate, for example on dropbox. Collect and save material on a constant basis, and not just when content is needed.
Have your business backend in line
Setting up the facebook business manager on release day is way too late. Dig into the inner workings of targeting and ad set-up well in advance. Try to get support from a digital marketer, especially for implementing target audiences and look-alike audiences for your upcoming release campaigns.