Another week, another challenge – but before we plunge into those we recap the old one in good old ForTunes style: Here are the things we learned last week!
#1 Reserve time for amendments! When you design the User Interface and functionality of your app you put a lot of thought into it. So for you the product is very clear. A user who isn’t involved in the project might have trouble understanding the whole thing though. Test your product intensively before you release it and reserve some time for amendments.
#2 Working in a startup is exciting and fun but it also means your working under pressure a lot. Therefor it’s important to release steam regularly and most importantly: Celebrate the team and your accomplishments! We did exactly that last week and had a wonderful evening. #teamlove
#3 Talking about celebrations: The ForTunes app is a great tool to keep track of your stats and keep an eye on upcoming career-milestones (actually we’re working on notifications that will do that for you). Last week we congratulated the future rap-star Mavi Phoenix to 1,000,000 plays.
#4 Sometimes you have to go the extra mile (or in our case perform contortions) to snap that perfect group shot!