Nowadays it seems that everything is about streaming numbers. But knowing when and where your song was played on the radio still has a major impact on your reach and income. Did you know that radio airplay can bring in significant royalties?
With our latest BETA feature we make Radio Airplay Tracking easy: Discover radio stations supporting your music worldwide.
What is Radio Airplay Tracking?
We are tracking Radio Stations all around the globe, from digital to terrestrial, and let you know once your song had Airplay. Radio airplay tracking is available in 30 and 7 day time mode.
Radio Airplay tracking is a beta feature, we are happy to hear your feedback: support@fortunes.io

How to get there?
Tap on “Airplay” in the menu (square icon) or click on Airplay when you see a Weekly Airplay Feed Event. The weekly feed event is designed to give you a quick overview about how your tracks performed on radio stations worldwide and can also be shared to social media.

What now?
Simply browse through your overall Radio Airplay Data or select specific tracks that you are interested in. Each week we will update you about new Radio Airplay, which you can easily share directly from the feed event.
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