Spotify Canvas artworks have been around for quite a while now and are definitely here to stay.
In October 2019 the company announced that it will open up the feature to more artists. The day has come: Everyone is now able to upload Canvas visuals via Spotify for Artists. Therefore, it is very likely that the eight-second video loops will become the new standard.
We collected a few pointers on why you don’t want to miss out on the opportunities that come with Spotify Canvas.
Add value
Before Spotify Canvas we had the song itself and the traditional artwork. The first reason to bet on moving visuals in the future, is to simply add another layer of value. People might not just come back for the song, but also for the visual.
You are also able to update older tracks with new canvas visuals. This can be used as an incentive to bring back listeners to your catalogue or even create new listeners.
Spotify Canvas = More Instagram story shares
As already mentioned, listeners are able to share Canvas visuals in their Instagram stories. Spotify stats that far tracks with embedded Canvas increased in general shares by 200%.

This means that in addition to attracting more people to your Spotify tracks, you’ll also be able to increase your reach on Instagram and therefore potentially grow your followers.
Communicate your brand
Brand value is primarily communicated by the visual attributes of an artist. Canvas visuals give you the opportunity the let the listener be invested in your brand instantly.
Imagine someone listening to your music the first time by skipping through a playlist. If this person not only connects with your music, but also with your visuals, the likelihood is much higher that this person also checks you out on Instagram, YouTube or other platforms.
Cross-promote your music video via Spotify Canvas
If you also shot a video for a song, you’ll most likely upload it on YouTube. With the new Canvas function, you can also upload a 3-8 second clip of the music video itself as the Canvas and use it as a teaser. Potential fans that discover you on Spotify can thereby be led to your music video in addition to your regular social media posts. Keep those specs in mind when creating your music video:

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