Apart from musical time feel, which undoubtedly has to live up to certain standards, being on time, in general, is an often overlooked but immensely important factor of a smooth live productio…
Agree to Disagree – Musical Friction as a Potential
The fundamental idea behind musical friction is mutual progress. It takes a lot more energy to break out of an echo-chamber, looking for opinions that greatly diverge from one’s own. We gathered sever…
Hidden Champions of Live Music Production
Setting up and planning a live music production can and should turn into a routine endeavour. Especially in terms of professionalism and workflow. The good thing about these kinds of routines is the w…
Getting ready for the perfect live radio session
Performing on live radio can be a stunning experience. The immediacy of the moment is exhilarating, and the setting can give you a helpful adrenalin boost. To help you make the most out of your sessio…
Basic pointers on international gigs
First of all: International gigs are exciting endeavors for all D.I.Y. Musicians. You’ll dive into numerous situations and cultural/linguistic contexts that are new to you. There will also be si…
6 merch tips for DIY tourplanning
Most seasoned pros develop their own strategies and habits concerning merch, and every live context demands flexibility and adjustment. In this article I’m sharing some tips that will increase y…
5 pointers that will win the heart of every live technician
There are two scenarios – either you bring your own hired pro, or you work with the house technician. In both cases, there are ways to prep for the gig and make life a lot easier for everyone involved…
The beauty of mobile music production
With high-quality audio and software solutions firmly rooted within the music industry, the possibilities of generating top-notch musical content while engaging in mobile music production are in a con…
Feedback Kingdom – Generating Strong Feedback as a Map to Success
It might sound harsh, but when it comes to feedback and the process of developing as an artist, theres hardly anything more valuable than unfiltered, straight-up feedback that goes straight to the bon…
The realities of songwriting on tour
Many DIY musicians romanticize with the thought of getting a bunch of tracks or even an album done on tour, seeing it as an almost sportive challenge to finish ongoing layouts, ideas and projects on t…